Artist: Don Williams | Song: Some Broken Hearts Never Me

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Don Williams, Some Broken Hearts Never Me Tabs

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Country Tabs > Williams Don Tabs > Some Broken Hearts Never Me

Artist/Band: Williams Don Tabs
Song: Some Broken Hearts Never Me Tab

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Song: Some Broken Hearts Never Mend
Sung By: Don Williams
CD: 20 Greatest Hits
Written By: Wayland Holyfield
Transcribed By: M. Lawrence

Verse 1.
A                  E7                                 A
Coffee black, cigarette, start this day like all the rest
D                                A
First thing every morning that I do
Is start missing you

A             E7
Some broken hearts never mend
Bm7   E7        A
Some memâries never end
     Amaj7         D
Some tears will never dry
E7                          A
My love for you will never die

Verse 2.

Rendezvous in the night, a willing woman to hold me tight
But in the middle of loves embrace
I see your face

(Repeat Chorus x2)
E A D G B e
| | | | 1 |  (1st fret)
- - - - - -
| | | 2 | 3
- - - - - -
| | | | | |
- - - - - -

I'm not sure how this illustration will work out. Just try to figure it out.
1st finger goes on G string, 1st Fret
2nd finger goes on D string, 2nd Fret
3rd finger goes on B string, 2nd Fret

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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