Artist: Don Williams | Song: Come Early Morning

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Don Williams, Come Early Morning Tabs

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Artist/Band: Williams Don Tabs
Song: Come Early Morning Tab

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Come Early Morning
Don Williams
(Bob McDill)
Album- 2o Greatest Hits

I been a-walkin', walkin' in the moonlight
Trippin' in the starlight, Lord, and I'm feelin' down
Walkin' in the shadows, sneakin' down a side road
Come early mornin' I'll be there on the edge of town

I was a-thinkin', thinkin' 'bout a good thing
Thinkin' 'bout a sweet gleem, umm, in my honey's eyes
And I was a-sinkin', feelin' kinda lonesome
Come early morning I'll be there at my honey's side

I have drifted up across the mountain
And I have stumbled down the other side
And I've been tempted, tried and troubled
Come early morning I'll be home and satisfied

She give me little lovin'
Give me little sunshine
Make me have a good time, Lord
When I'm feelin' blue
I couldn't refuse her
Well I couldn't misuse her
Come early mornin' I'll be home
With my honey dew

I have drifted up across the mountain
I have stumbled down the other side
I've been tempted, tried and troubled
Come early mornin' I'll be home
And satisfied.

Come Early Morning
Don Williams
(Bob McDill)
20 Greatest Hits

I been a walkin, walkin in the moonlight
Trippin in the starlight, Lord, and I'm feelin down
Walkin in the shadows, sneakin down a side road
Come early mornin I'll be there on the edge of town

I was a thinkin, thinkin bout a good thing
Thinkin bout a sweet gleam, uum,  in my honey's eyes
And I was a-sinkin, feelin kinda lonesome
Come early morning I'll be home at my honey's side 

I have drifted up across the mountain
And I have stumbled down the other side
And I've been tempted, tried and troubled
Come early morning I'll be home and satisfied


She give me little lovin
Give me little sunshine
Make me have a good time, Lord
When I'm feelin blue
I couldn't refuse her
Well I couldn't misuse her
Come early mornin I'll be home
With my honeydew

I have drifted up across the mountains
I have stumbled down the other side
I've been tempted, tried and troubled
Come early mornin I'll be home
And satisfied...

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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