Artist: Dottie West | Song: Country Sunshine (correct)

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Dottie West, Country Sunshine (correct) Tabs

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Country Tabs > West Dottie Tabs > Country Sunshine (correct)

Artist/Band: West Dottie Tabs
Song: Country Sunshine (correct) Tab

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       G                   G7      C             
I was raised on country sun-shine green grass beneath my feet
A                          A7      D     
Runnin' through fields of daisies, wadin' through the creek
    G                  G7                   C                  
You love me and it's invitin', to go where life is more excitin'
            D                  G 
But I was raised on country sun-shine


 D      G                  G7           C
I was raised on country sun-shine, I'm happy with the simple things
  A                        A7                  D
A Saturday night dance, a picture show and the joy that the blue bird brings
   G                    G7                 C
I love you please believe me, I wouldn't want you to ever leave me
           D                   G
But I was raised on country sun-shine

                D7                                         G
There's just some-thin' about the mornin' that makes each day a joy to see
  A                                        D7 
Night time brings a peace-ful feelin', stretched inside of me
I love you please believe me, I wouldn't want you to ever leave me
           G                 C
But I was raised on country sunshine

     D6   G                 G7                  C 
Yes you love me and it's invitin', to go where life is more excitin'
    C       D                  G
But I was raised on country sun-shine
     C      D                  G
But I was raised on country sun-shine

G  320003
G7 320001
C  032010
A  002220
A7 002223
D  000232
D7 000212
D6 000202

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2005 - 2012
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  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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