Artist: Doc Watson | Song: Tennessee Stud

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Doc Watson, Tennessee Stud Tabs

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Country Tabs > Watson Doc Tabs > Tennessee Stud

Artist/Band: Watson Doc Tabs
Song: Tennessee Stud Tab

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Along about eighteen twenty five
I left Tennessee very much alive
And I never would got through the Arkansas mud
			      C         D       
If I hadn't been a-ridin that Tennessee Stud

I had me some trouble with my sweetheart's Paw
One o' her brothers was a bad outlaw
I sent her a letter by my Uncle Fud
Then I rode away on the Tennessee Stud
D                     C        D   
The Tennesee Stud was long and mean
    ?F?          C           D
The color of the sun and his eyes were green
(D)                     C       D
He had the nerve and he had the blood 
(D)                                  C        D         
And there never was a horse like The Tennesee Stud

We drifted on down inta no man's land 
And crossed that river called the Rio Grande
I raced my hoss with a Spaniard's foal
'Til I got me a skin full of silver and gold

Me and the gambler we couldn't agree
We got in a fight over Tennessee
We jerked our guns and he fell with a thud
And I got away on the Tennessee Stud


Well I got just as lonesome as a man could be
A-dreamin of my girl in Tennessee
The Tennessee Stud's green eyes turned blue
'Cause he was dreamin bout his sweetheart too

We loped right back across Arkansas
I whooped her brother and I whooped her Paw
When I found that girl with the golden hair
She was a-ridin that Tennessee Mare 
Ad lib Whoa Boy


Stirrup to stirrup and side by side
We crossed them mountains and the valleys wide
We came to big muddy and then we forded a flood
On the Tennesee Mare and the Tennessee Stud

There's a prety little girl on the cabin floor
And a little horse colt layin on the floor
I love that girl with the golden hair
And the Tennesee stud loves the Tennessee Mare

Ad lib They're good horses


Giving back to the net...........
Bruce Lande  (Teleseller@AOL.COM)

P.S. I'd like the words/crds to Tennessee Flat Top Box if anyone has them.

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.