Artist: Dale Watson | Song: Country My Ass

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Dale Watson, Country My Ass Tabs

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Country Tabs > Watson Dale Tabs > Country My Ass

Artist/Band: Watson Dale Tabs
Song: Country My Ass Tab

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F  C  G   C 

         C                                                 F
He ain’t even near 20 but he says he’s seen plenty of hard times
           G                                                  C
Cause he’s been on this bus for 5 days and in his hotel for 5 nights
        C                       C7                                F
And his satellite dish is ruined and the new band is treatin’ him mean
            G                                                     C
And there’s still another week to go and he misses his Karaoke machine

                   F                         C
That’s country, my ass, who do they think we am
                  G                             C
Force feed us that shit, ain’t you real tired of it
                     F                        C 
Tell ‘em stick it up high where the sun don’t shine
    G                                   C
Get pissed, get mad, that’s country, my ass

D                                                   G
Now she’s out there too, she’s got her own secrets too
    A                                                        D
She can’t sing a lick and in a bucket she couldn’t carry her tune
      D                                                    G
She’s pretty as a picture and she’s sure got a nice set of lips
        A                                                                         D
And she misses her producer, slash boyfriend, who seduced her, er’ produced her a hit

Chorus in Key Of D

E                                            A
Now don’t get me wrong, to each his own I believe
         B7                                             E
But they took the soul out of what means a whole lot to me
E                                                                 A
‘Cause I can see Hank and Lefty, they’re spinning around in their graves
       B7                                                E
And if they were here now, I think y’all know what they’d say

Chorus in Key of E

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.