Artist: Don Walser | Song: The John Deere Tractor Song

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Don Walser, The John Deere Tractor Song Tabs

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Country Tabs > Walser Don Tabs > The John Deere Tractor Song

Artist/Band: Walser Don Tabs
Song: The John Deere Tractor Song Tab

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The John Deere Tractor Song
Don Walser

 G                               C          G
Well I work My Old John Deere Tractor Every Day
                Em                A   D   
Plowin Plantin Crops And Cuttin Hay
          G         D         C            G      D          Em
Well The Good Lord Knows That I Wouldn't Want It Any Other Way
    G                      D            G
I Work My Old John Deere Tractor Every Day

      G                   D      C
this year we had a mighty fine spring
                   Am                   D
not to much texas wind and just enough rain
       G                D   G                    C
only had to plant one time and my crops are doing fine
 G                              D                   G
best of all this old farm and john deere tractors mine

Theres nothing like the smell of fresh plowed ground
lord a family farm with the old kids all around
the good lord gave ths man a place to run and play 
and work his old john deere tractor every day

Now the old john deere will break down from time to time
But Old shade tree slim will sure have her runnin fine
he gives me a Golden smile through a mustache done turned grey
says you got your old john deere tractor one more day

When i'm Standing in the twilight of my day 
and my final harvest has been made
i want to climb those golden stairs walk through the pearly gates
and work my john deere tractor every day


Yeah I work My Old John Deere Tractor Every Day 

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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