Artist: Doc Walker | Song: Coming Home

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Doc Walker, Coming Home Tabs

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Country Tabs > Walker Doc Tabs > Coming Home

Artist/Band: Walker Doc Tabs
Song: Coming Home Tab

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Verse 1
D                              G
It's another red light after a red eye flight
      D                        G
And I swear I can smell your perfume
D                        G
I turn the key and slip under the sheets
            D                         G
But I just lie there and I watch you sleep


Verse 2
D                            G
It's another good bye and I don't know if I
         D                             G
Can get through the day with just one kiss
         D                      G    
Then I'm on the freeway aya I'm in the fast lane
           D                   G  
Wondering how it ever came to this

Pre chorus
A              Bm
Turn this car around

    D           G
And I'm Coming Home
    D          G
Ya I'm coming home
   A                   G               D G D G
I need your love and girl I'm coming home

Verse 3
D                               G
Ya know no one can erase this smile on my face
               D                  G   
My heart beats faster with every mile
              D                          G
I'm getting closer and closer, kiss you over and over
       D                            G
Every thought of you is driving me wild

Pre chorus
A              Bm   G
Turn this car around

     D          G
And I'm coming home
    D          G
Ya I'm coming home
   A                  G               D                
I need your love and girl I'm coming home 

D G 4x

A              Bm
Turn this car around
        A               G
Ya I'll turn this car around
     D          G
And I'm coming home
    D          G
Ya I'm coming home
   A                  G               D
I need your love and girl I'm coming home

D G Repeat to end 

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.