Artist: Doc Walker | Song: Call Me A Fool

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Doc Walker, Call Me A Fool Tabs

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Country Tabs > Walker Doc Tabs > Call Me A Fool

Artist/Band: Walker Doc Tabs
Song: Call Me A Fool Tab

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G          D                  Em 
Oh girl I don't know what to say 
I feel you love me less each day 
You seem so far away 
G              D                   Em 
There's not a kiss that's strong enough 
I could give to keep your love 
And change your mind to stay 
G                   D                        Em 
So you packed your bags and said you need a break 
And you left me here to wait 
Said you might come back someday 
             Am     Bm                 C 
So I'm holdin on in spite of what they say 
                    Am       Bm                C 
They said man she's gone and only a fool would wait 
                      G  D/F#         Em 
Then call me a fool cause I'm a fool 
                     C                      D 
I've no where else to be and nothing left to do 
          G  D/F#          Em 
Call me a fool cause I'm a fool 
                           C                         D 
There's no where I'd rather be than waiting here for you 
So call me a fool       
G  A  C 
G  A  B  C 
G            D               Em 
Oh girl the time goes by so slow 
Just starin at the door 
Hoping you'll walk through 
G        D             Em 
So if I hang on long enough 
Would I be worth your love 
Cause it's something I could do 
               Am     Bm                 C 
I'm just holdin on in spite of what they say 
                    Am       Bm                C 
They said man she's gone and only a fool would wait 
Then call me a fool (continua com acordes do refrao ate a parte 
                    instrumental mas vai ate o C') 
            Am     Bm                 C 
Still holdin on in spite of what they say 
                    Am       Bm                C 
They said man she's gone and only a fool would wait 

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.