Artist: Marty Stuart | Song: Kiss Me I'm Gone

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Marty Stuart, Kiss Me I'm Gone Tabs

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Country Tabs > Stuart Marty Tabs > Kiss Me I'm Gone

Artist/Band: Stuart Marty Tabs
Song: Kiss Me I'm Gone Tab

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Kiss Me I'm Gone

This one of my favorite songs. I hope someone will add the lead and solo.

NOTE: the E7 in the intro and verse has no 3rd. 
 This chord is shown at the bottom
 Use a normal E7 for the Chorus.

Intro Chords (Listen for Timing)

E7   G  A     E7   G   A      E7    A  G

E7                                  G  A
I've got one last cahnce to hold you
          E7                  G  A
while the fire is good and hot
              E7                               G  A  
we've got to make the most of this burning love
             E7                  A   G
'Cause right now's all we've got
E7                            G   A
So squeeze me a little tighter
           E7               G  A
I'll be back before too long
              E7                     A   G
well baby you know I've just gotta go
 E7 NC       B7#9
so kiss me...   I'm gone

G     G#     A              G    
Honey that spell. That you put on me 
E7       A                             G     E7
got me walkin' talkin' things that I never dreamed
                     A           G        E7
I won't be worth a thing when I get back home 
I done stayed too long
So kiss me .... I'm Gone

You've got kisses sweet as honey 
got me eating right out of your hand 
you sure 'nuff got a line of talk 
that a man can understand

All the girls 'round here been tallkin' 
They wanna know what's going on
As the door slams I am deep in love 
so kiss me...   I'm Gone

(Back To Chorus)

E7(no 3rd)  B7#9
E-0 	     E-0
B-0         B-3
G-X         G-2
D-0         D-1
A-2         A-2
E-0         E-X

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.