Artist: Doug Stone | Song: Warning Labels

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Doug Stone, Warning Labels Tabs

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Country Tabs > Stone Doug Tabs > Warning Labels

Artist/Band: Stone Doug Tabs
Song: Warning Labels Tab

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I [E]begged her to stay 
and g[A]ive me one  more [E]try.
But she said it's over 
then [F#]she said good[B7]bye
Now I'm  down here at this bar 
trying to [A]wash away my [E]pain 
But every time I hear the  Jukebox
t[B]ears fall like rain   


They ought to p[A]ut warning labels 
on those s[E]ad  country s[C#m]ongs
H[E]armful to your heart, 
when it's le[F#]ft all  al[B7]one 
And if you're [A]drinking' you'll start thinkin 
bout a l[E]ove  that went [C#m]wrong
They ought to [E]put warning labels 
on those s[B]ad  country s[E]ongs.   

T[E]hey warned me about cigarettes, [A]whiskey and  [E]beer, no one  
Ever warned me about the [F#]music I hear. [B7]I don't  gu[E]ess I would listen
to what they s[A]aid an[E]yway but at least I'd  been ready when that f[B]irst
Sad song p[E]layed.   

Repeat Chorus   

There's nothing [A]harder on your heart 
than ol'  [E]Haggard and J[C#m]ones
They ought to [E]put warning labels 
on those  s[B7]ad country s[A]ongs. 

[Thanks to Glenn for corrections]

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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