Artist: Doug Stone | Song: Born In The Dark

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Doug Stone, Born In The Dark Tabs

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Country Tabs > Stone Doug Tabs > Born In The Dark

Artist/Band: Stone Doug Tabs
Song: Born In The Dark Tab

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Doug Stone

You (G) call me from the office
Say you're working late
I admire your dedication
But, where's the extra (G7) pay
I (C) meet you at the front door
With wine on your breath
I (G) couldn't help but notice
There's a button off your dress
Say (D) you and your girlfriends just stopped to eat a bite
I was (G) born in the dark, but it wasn't last night

(G) Friday I came home 
You was lookin' fit to kill
Said you're going to your sister's 
Cause your sister's feelin' (G7) ill
I (C) called her house all weekend
Just to see if she was fine
I (G) never got an answer
Must've called a hundred times
She (D) suddenly got better, ya'll took in all the sites
I was (G) born in the dark, but it wasn't last night

(C) Hey sweet baby, I'm no fool
There's (G) something going on and it just ain't cool
(C) Come on baby, let's talk straight
You got (A) one last chance and a (D) choice to make

Well, I (G) ask you why you never wear
That pretty neglige
Seems that you misplaced it
At least that's what you say
You (C) think I made it up
And I don't trust you anymore
But, I (G) found it in the trash can
And both the straps were tore
Don't (D) remember how it happened, probably too tight
I was (G) born in the dark, but it wasn't last night
(D) Tell me that you love me, but I know it's all a lie
I was (G) born in the dark, but it wasn't last night

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.