Artist: Statler Brothers | Song: Too Much On My Heart

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Statler Brothers, Too Much On My Heart Tabs

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Country Tabs > Statler Brothers Tabs > Too Much On My Heart

Artist/Band: Statler Brothers Tabs
Song: Too Much On My Heart Tab

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Too Much On My Heart
By The Statler Brothers
Written by Jimmy Fortune
rmofle at

Capo 4 (the song is in the key of F# but I would rather use the capo on 4 to get the same key. 
You can put the capo on 1 and transpose the chords to the Key of F if you so choose)

Intro Chords:
D  G  A  D

A             D                G                         D
You're having second thoughts, I can tell by the way you look at me
              A          G                        D    A
I can tell by what I see you no longer believe in me
           D         G                                    D
I'm havin' bad dreams, can't seem to get back to where we used to be
D                                     A     G        A              D      
Sometimes it feels like we're worlds apart, I've got too much on my heart

                        G    C G                               D
I've got too much on my heart     and I don't like to feel the pain
                          A    G                          A
And I don't know where to start to make you love me once again
                              G          A                           D            D/C#  Bm
I don't have time to make you understand, Lord this thing is gettin' out of hand
Bm                            G   A                            D
Pain shoots through me like a dart and I've got too much on my heart

Don't be so cold to me I know you've changed but it's still hard for me
It's too late I realize I can see it in your distant eyes
You needed all of me but I can't be there like I used to be
And Lord it's tearin' me apart, 'Cause I got too much on my heart


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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.