Artist: Statler Brothers | Song: New York City

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Statler Brothers, New York City Tabs

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Country Tabs > Statler Brothers Tabs > New York City

Artist/Band: Statler Brothers Tabs
Song: New York City Tab

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written by Don Reid
sung by the Statler Brothers
from the Best of (1975)

C                            D
She came to me shortly after Christmas
F              G7                 C
Said she hated sport & New Year's Eve
        C                             D
But the truth doesn't wait to come in season
  F           G7               C
& what we had feared was now believed
She said she'd leave come Monday mornin'
F             G7               C
Catch a plane if I'd split the fare
She said she had friends in New York City
      F              G7            C
She'd look them up & have the baby there

    F                           C
And now she's alone in New York City
F                         C
Livin' like Lord I wonder how
   Am                        D
An angel in hell in New York City
F       G7               C
I can't think about that now

D                              E
Honey, will you tell him Bible stories
  G                A7           D
& give him all the love I never could?
But never tell him too much about his daddy
       G           A7                 D
'Cause there's not much to say that's good
He'll have to learn it all from his mother
G              A7        D
How to count & say his ABC's
& when you teach him prayers to say at bedtime
G                    A7                D
Leave out "God bless daddy," won't you please?

    G                             D
And now they're alone in New York City
G                         D
Livin' like Lord I wonder how
  Bm                         E
2 angels in hell in New York City
G       A7               D
I can't think about that now
G       A7               D
I can't think about that now

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.