"Angel Band"
by the Stanley Brothers from the "Oh Brother Where Art Thou" soundtrack
transcribed by Jason Hannan
Capo 2
Intro: A
My [A]latest sun is [D]sinking [A]fast
My race is [E]nearly [A]run
My strongest trials [D]now are [A]past
My triumph [E]has be[A]gun
[E7]Oh, come, [A]angel band
[E]Come and a[A]round me stand
Oh [D]bear me away on your [A]snow white wings
To my im[E7]mortal [A]home
Oh [D]bear me away on your [A]snow white wings
To my im[E7]mortal [A]home
Oh [A]bear my longing [D]heart to [A]Him
Who bled and [E]died for [A]me
Whose blood now cleanses [D]from all [A]sin
And gives me [E]victor[A]y.
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