Artist: Arthur Smith | Song: Conversation With A Mule

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Arthur Smith, Conversation With A Mule Tabs

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Country Tabs > Smith Arthur Tabs > Conversation With A Mule

Artist/Band: Smith Arthur Tabs
Song: Conversation With A Mule Tab

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Recorded by Arthur Smith  

CHORDS are the same for all verses: 

[G] Old mule, you're the son of a donkey 
[A] And I'm in the image of God 
[D7] Yet, here we work, hitched together
Toilin' and tillin' the [G] sod
[G] I wonder if you work for me 
[A] Or I work for you, old mule 
[D7] At times I think it's a partnership 
Between a mule and a doggone [G] fool. 

When plowin', we go the same distance
But I work harder than you
You skim the ground on four good legs
And I hobble along on two
So, mule, mathematically speakin'
You're four legs 'gainst my two
I do twice the work per leg
I do twice as much as you.

Now soon we'll be makin' the corn crop
That crop'll be split three ways
A third for you, a third for me
And a third for the landlords' pay
You take your third and eat it
You're gettin the best! And How!
I split my third amongst the wife and eight kids
The banker, six hens and a cow.

And right here mule, I might mention
You only plow the ground
I shock the corn and husk it
While you're hee-hawin' around
All Fall and part of the Winter
Old mule, you know it's true
I break my back with a cotton sack
Tryin' to pay off the mortgage on you. 

The only time I'm your better
Is when election comes
A man can vote and a mule cannot
But that don't worry you none
Because you're a wise old donkey
You know what to worry about
You knew politics wouldn't help you none
And I'm just findin' it out. 

So, mule, confidentially speaking
Would you change places with me
Would you take up all my worries
And still contented be
Would you swap places, I'm askin'
'Course, you know we couldn't
But would you, if you could, now tell the truth
You're doggone right, you wouldn't. 

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2005 - 2012
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