Artist: Sheppard T G | Song: Party Time

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Sheppard T G, Party Time Tabs

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Country Tabs > Sheppard T G Tabs > Party Time

Artist/Band: Sheppard T G Tabs
Song: Party Time Tab

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(chorus 1)


ohh ohh its [D]party time 


Its Time to get you o[A]ff my mind 


forget the life i l[G]eft behind [A]


and all those dreams that wont come t[D]rue




ohh ohh its pa[D]rty time 


its time for laugh and pa[A]ss the wine 


its early and im f[G]eelin fine ,[A] Ill soon be over y[D]ou 


Darlin ever s[Bm]ince the day 


yes its time to go our seperate ways 


ive been searchin for a way to be


for doi[A]ng you so [D]wrong


now its time to c[A]all the heart


you know it wasnt a[G]ll my fault


you cheated too but you were n[D]ever cought 


your f[A]riends lied all a[D]long


( chorus2 )


ohh ohh its p[D]arty time 


its time to get you [A]off my mind 


its early and i'm f[G]eeling fine[A]


ill soon be over y[D]ou


it shouldnt take us v[A]ery long


another sip or two and y[G]ou'll be gone[A]


another chorus of she d[G]one you wrong


and[A] ill be over y[D]ou 


" Solo " 


repeat ( chorus 2 )


repeat ( chorus 1 )

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.