Artist: Anne Murray | Song: Cotton Jenny

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Anne Murray, Cotton Jenny Tabs

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Country Tabs > Murray Anne Tabs > Cotton Jenny

Artist/Band: Murray Anne Tabs
Song: Cotton Jenny Tab

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written by Gordon Lightfoot
C                              F                       C
There's a house on a hill by a worn down weathered old mill
In the valley be-low where the river winds 
There's no such thing as bad times
                             F                  C
And a soft southern flame oh Cotton Jenny's her name
She wakes me up when the sun goes down 
And the wheels of love go round
                  F              C
Wheels of love go round  love go roun-d
        D7              G7
Love go round  a joyful soun-d
        C               F               G7
I ain't got a penny for Cotton Jenny to spend but then
The wheels go roun-d
                              F                  C
When the new day be-gins I go down to the cotton gin
And I make my time worthwhile to them 
Then I climb back up a-gain
                             F                C
And she waits by the door oh Cotton Jenny I'm sore
She rubs my feet while the sun goes down 
And the wheels of love go round
                                   F                C
In the hot sickly south  when they say well shut my mouth
I can never be free from the cotton grind 
But I know I got what's mine
                          F                  C
A soft southern flame  oh Cotton Jenny's her name
She wakes me up when the sun goes down  
And the wheels of love go round

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.