Artist: Anne Murray | Song: A Broken Hearted Me

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Anne Murray, A Broken Hearted Me Tabs

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Country Tabs > Murray Anne Tabs > A Broken Hearted Me

Artist/Band: Murray Anne Tabs
Song: A Broken Hearted Me Tab

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written by Randy Goodrum

Every now and then I cry
Am                   C             F
Every night you keep staying on my mind
                   E       Am
All my friends say I'll survive
It just takes time

Em                Am                 Dm          G7
But I don't think time is gonna heal this broken heart
Em             Am                 Dm          E
No I don't see how it can if it's broken all apart
Am          E            C              F#m
A million miracles could never stop the pain
   Dm            C      F       G7
Or put all the pieces together again

Em               Am            Dm               G7
No I don't think time is gonna heal this broken heart
Em                 Am           Dm           E
No I don't see how it can while we are still apart
Am           E                C                  F#m
And when you hear this song I hope that you will see
     Em         Am     Dm     G7      C
That time won't heal a broken hearted me

Every day is just the same
        Am              C7               F
Playing games different lovers different names
                 E       Am
They keep saying I'll survive
It just takes time

repeat #2

     Em         Am     Dm     G7      C
That time won't heal a broken hearted me

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.