Artist: Bill Monroe | Song: On My Way To Old Home

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Bill Monroe, On My Way To Old Home Tabs

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Country Tabs > Monroe Bill Tabs > On My Way To Old Home

Artist/Band: Monroe Bill Tabs
Song: On My Way To Old Home Tab

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"I'm on my way back to the old home"
written by Bill Monroe
as played by Bill Monroe
transcribed by Brad Kale

 (A)                     (G)
Back in the days of my childhood
         (A)                        (E)
in the evening when everything was still
   (A)                           (D)
I used to sit and listen to the fox hounds
         (A)       (E)           (A)
with my dad in the old Kentucky hills.

I'm on my way back to the old home,
that road winds on up the hill
     (A)                      (D)
But there's no light in the window,
      (A)         (E)          (A)
that shined long ago where I lived.

Soon my childhood days were over
I had to leave my old home.
For my mom and dad were called to heaven
I was left in this world all alone.

High in the hill of 'ol Kentucky
stands a foggy thought in my memory
I'm on my way back to the old home
that light in the window I long to see.

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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