Artist: Bill Monroe | Song: Mary Ann

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Bill Monroe, Mary Ann Tabs

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Artist/Band: Monroe Bill Tabs
Song: Mary Ann Tab

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Mary Ann

Bill Monroe
Bean Blossom 1973
Tab by bluerabbit10

(D) Well theres a girl on my (G) mind I cat get (D) over,
That would break the (A) heart of any (D) man
Without her (G) things would fall to (D) pieces
Well Im dreaming(A) about Mary (D) Ann

So Ill just (A) keep touching up my gray (D) hair
Live and (A) hope someday shell under(D) stand
We its (A) no matter if I live to (G) be a (D) hundred
Therell (G) always be a place in (A) my heart for Mary (D) Ann

(D) Well I know shes out there some where in a (G) world that cant be (D) found
Just to think of (A) her still tears me (D)  down
And if teardrops were pennies then Id (G) be a wealthy (D) man
From the tears that Ive (A) cried for Mary (D) Ann

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
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