Artist: Bill Monroe | Song: A Voice From On High

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Bill Monroe, A Voice From On High Tabs

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Country Tabs > Monroe Bill Tabs > A Voice From On High

Artist/Band: Monroe Bill Tabs
Song: A Voice From On High Tab

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"A voice from on high"
written by Bill Monroe
as recorded by The Stanley Brothers
transcribed by Brad Kale

*capo 1st fret

I hear a voice callin'
   (F)          (C)
it must be our Lord (it must be our Lord)
Its coming from heaven on high.
I hear a voice callin'
      (F)       (C)
I've gained a reward ( I've gained a reward)
                       (G)        (C)
for the land where we never shall die.

                    (F)             (C)
The saviour who di..ed, on cruel calvary
he shed his life blood that the world might be free.
                (C)               (F)   (C)
So follow his footsteps, up the narrow way.
                               (G)           (C)
and be ready to meet him when calls on that day.

(to chorus)

The saviour has paid a great price for me
He gave his life on calvary.
so follow his footsteps,up the narrow way.
that'll pay my debt on the great judgement day.

(to chorus)

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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