By Bill Monroe
capo 1st fret
I(C)hear a voice callin'
it (F)must be our Lo(C)rd, it must be,it must be, our Lord
Its coming from heaven on high(G).
I he(C)ar a voice callin'
I've ga(F)ined a re(C)ward, I've gained, I've gained, a reward
For the land where we (G)never shall (C)die.
The saviour has pa(F)id a great price for(C) me
He gave his life on cal(G)vary.
so follow his foot(C)steps,up the nar(F)row (C)way.
And be ready to meet him when he(G) calls on that (C)day.
(repeat chorus)
He died on the cro(F)ss, the old rugget (C)cross
That we whould be safed from (G)sinin' on those(C)
So follow his foot(C)steps, up the nar(F)row way(C).
and we'll pay, our heads on (G)that great judgment (C)day
(repeat chorus)
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