Artist: Mark David Manders | Song: Sam Houston

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Mark David Manders, Sam Houston Tabs

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Country Tabs > Manders Mark David Tabs > Sam Houston

Artist/Band: Manders Mark David Tabs
Song: Sam Houston Tab

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Ain’t it funny how things can change
One day it’s sunny, the next day it rains
But life goes on in between
The highs and lows

You always said I wouldn’t amount to much
No matter what I did it wasn’t good enough
And I should have hung it up
A long time ago

               A            B            
But I’m still dreaming with both eyes open
E            F#m          
I know just where I’m going
    A        B                           E  
And nothing, nothing’s gonna stand in my way
It’s an uphill climb but I don’t care
I won’t rest ‘til I get there
And when I do I plan to stay

If you took my dreams and laid them end to end
They’d stretch to the moon and back again
Now tell me, if that’s a sin
Then I’m going straight to hell
But you know I could never survive 
Working a job from nine to five
It’s a form of prison life 
Without the cell


San Houston crossed the river Red
As an eagle circled overhead
He looked up to the skies and said,
“This is my destiny”
Now somewhere down I45
There’s an Eagle rolling through the night
I look in the rearview just to find
Houston’s now a memory


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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.