Artist: Lonesome River Band | Song: Harvest Time

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Lonesome River Band, Harvest Time Tabs

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Country Tabs > Lonesome River Band Tabs > Harvest Time

Artist/Band: Lonesome River Band Tabs
Song: Harvest Time Tab

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Harvest Time
Lonesome River Band
transcribed by Logan Gibbons

Capo 4

    G               D                C           G
1. Cool and cloudy nights upon Boll Mountain, Alabama
2. Flashing through my mind was Big Homer's reputation
4. The clouds rolled by and then I saw the shadow of a lady

                             D              G
1. I was stealing corn from Homer Lawson's Field
2. A man who really didn't give a damn
4. It was Homer's lovely daughter Julie Ann

        G             D                  C               G
1. The rattle of the cornstalks and the bark of Homer's hound dog
2. They say he shot ol' Mountain Joe for just one ear of corn
4. I smelled the perfume in her hair as she sat down beside me

                    D                    G
1. Made me hug the ground and lie dead still
2. And laughed the day they laid him in the ground
4. Whispered "Papa's running moonshine again"

	        C                                G         
	3. Well, I can hear the breaking of the sticks from someone's footsteps
	5. I thank God for cloudy nights and Alabama's whiskey stills

	       G                D                G
	3. But shaky legs just can't get up and run
	5. And harvest time in Homer Lawson's field

	       C                               G  
	3. And as I lay there breathless, the next thing I expected
	5. I thank God for cloudy nights and Alabama's whiskey stills

	          G                  D              G
	3. Was a blast of Hell from Homer Lawson's gun
	5. And harvest time in Homer Lawson's field	

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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