Artist: Lonesome River Band | Song: Better Days To Come

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Lonesome River Band, Better Days To Come Tabs

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Country Tabs > Lonesome River Band Tabs > Better Days To Come

Artist/Band: Lonesome River Band Tabs
Song: Better Days To Come Tab

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"Better Days To Come"
As Played By The Lonesome River Band
Transcribed by Brad Kale (

                         Better Days To Come

*Capo 3rd fret

        G          D            G
Don't remind me of things in my past
         C      A              D
Oh, I've fallen down along the way.
               G          B7           Em
You're not the first, you won't be the last.
   A7                          D
In fact you're the second one today.

           G      D                   G
That don't get me down, whats done is done.
      C         A7             D
And I refuse to re-live yesterday.
         G          B7            Em     C
'Cause I believe my best days are yet to come,
           G             D              G
If I could only get this one out of the way.

        G   C       D
I don't know, about tomorrow
      C                  D
Yesterday has passed and gone.
     C        D     B7            Em
Don't judge me by my past and I'll try,
       C         D       G
And do better in days to come.

Should you see me crying today,
Oh, it won't be 'cause I'm looking back.
I don't deal with old memories that way.
Those tragic scenes have faded to black.

They don't get me down, what's done is done.
I've only groomed to feel today's pain.
When the sun comes up on another day,
I'll put yesterday behind me once again.

(To Chorus)

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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