Artist: Jewel | Song: Jesus Loves You

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Jewel, Jesus Loves You Tabs

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Country Tabs > Jewel Tabs > Jesus Loves You

Artist/Band: Jewel Tabs
Song: Jesus Loves You Tab

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They say that Jesus loves you
What about me?
They say that money breaks you
I still wanna see
     E                     G
They say you're only half alive
E                               G
Til you give extra whitening a try

Well i wanna seee, I wanna see
What can you do for me?

(the same as above)
Showing ta-tas on the TV is OK
I wanna be OK,too
Having my pictue in a magazine makes me special
How special are you?
They say if i donate, even I
Can buy a lot in heaven before i die

Well I wanna see, I wanna see
What can u do for me?

I want someone else to pack my lunch 
Gonna get get someone else to pull the punch
Pay a psychic for romance
Gonna pay a priest for a...
Will u give me a second chance
Will u give me a secong chance

(than you go the same like in the verses above)
They say abortion will send u straight to a firey hell
That is if the fanatics don't beat satin to the kill
It's not what i can do for anybody
It's what there body can do for me

Well I wanna see, I wanna see
What can u do for me?

They say that Jesus loves u 
What about me?

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.