Artist: Dixie Chicks | Song: Love Me Like A Man (live)

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Dixie Chicks, Love Me Like A Man (live) Tabs

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Country Tabs > Dixie Chicks Tabs > Love Me Like A Man (live)

Artist/Band: Dixie Chicks Tabs
Song: Love Me Like A Man (live) Tab

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Live Bonnie Raitt Cover

These men that I been seein baby 
Got their souls upon the shelf
You know they can't ever love me    
When they can't can't even love themselves
But I need someone to love me  
Someone to really understand
Who won't put himself above me    
             A               E    B7
But who just loves me like a man 

I never seen such losers darlin  
Even though I tried to find
A man who would take me home   
Instead of taking me for a ride
I need someone to love me  
I know you can
Believe when I tell you   
        A              E    B7
You can love me like a man 

A  E  A  E  B7  A  E  B7

I want me to rock him  
Like my back aint got no bone
I want a man to rock me   
Like my back-bone was his own
Darlin, I know you can
Believe me when I tell you
        A              E    B7
You can love me like a man 

I come home sad and lonely   
Feel like I want to die
I want a man to hold me   
Not some fool to ask me why
I need someone to love me   
Darlin I know you can     (night n' day... night n' day...)
Don't you put yourself above me   
     A              E
Just love me like a man 

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.