Artist: Diamond Rio | Song: You Ain't In It

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Diamond Rio, You Ain't In It Tabs

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Country Tabs > Diamond Rio Tabs > You Ain't In It

Artist/Band: Diamond Rio Tabs
Song: You Ain't In It Tab

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You Ain't In It

Diamond Rio

(D)Some folks said I was getting' well
But (A)through the tears I (D)couldn't tell
I could not see past yester(G)day
'Cause your (D)memory stood there (A)in my (D)way

(D)A lonely mind plays funny tricks
(A)Works on things that (D)can't be fixed
It's bound to dwell on what you (G)miss
Like a (D)midnight touch or a (A)morning (D)kiss

(D)It's still (A)hard to face a day if you ain't (D)in it
But I (A)had to draw the line,
A million (G)tears is a man's (A)limit
No, (D)I don't expect your memory
To let me (D7)ever for(G)get it
But once in a (D)while I live through a (A)minute
And you ain't (D)in it

(D)It didn't take a clock to alarm me
I was (A)always up, I'd (D)never sleep
Scared to death I'd dream of (G)you
That's (D)more'n I wanted to 
Put my (A)old heart (D)through

(D)A big dark cloud followed me around
Didn't (A)dare look up or (D)I'd have drowned
Thought you took that sun with (G)you
But to(D)day my curtain 
Let a little (A)peep slip (D)through

(D)It's still (A)hard to face a day if you ain't (D)in it
But I (A)had to draw the line,
A million (G)tears is a man's (A)limit
No, (D)I don't expect your memory
To let me (D7)ever for(G)get it
But once in a (D)while I live through a (A)minute
And you ain't (D)in it

No, (D)I don't expect your memory
To let me (D7)ever for(G)get it
But once in a (D)while I live through a (A)minute
And you ain't (D)in it

(A)Nah, You ain't (D)in it... 


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