Artist: Diamond Rio | Song: They Don't Make Hearts

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Diamond Rio, They Don't Make Hearts Tabs

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Country Tabs > Diamond Rio Tabs > They Don't Make Hearts

Artist/Band: Diamond Rio Tabs
Song: They Don't Make Hearts Tab

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They Don't Make Hearts (Like They Used To)
written by Powell/Mullins/LaGrange

INTRO: G  D  A7  G  D  A7

        D                         A7
When my grandad fell in love with my grandma
C                   G     A7
Hearts were made to last, hearts were strong
D                           A7
But over the years it musta changed somehow
C          G    A7
Look at us now, somethin' must be wrong

G               A7               D       D7
They don't make hearts like they used to 
G            A7                  D     D7
These days a heart ain't worth a dime
G               A7               Bm      A7
They don't make hearts like they used to
Em      G        A7      D
They're breakin' all the time

D                           A7
My folks fell in love, they had no doubt
    C               G                    A7
Whatever came their way, they would just work it out
    D                                    A7
Now someone's breakin' up every time you turn around
C               G                 A7
No one seems to know what love is all about


A7             G              D
If there's any hope for us to last for long
         A7               G                   E       A7  G
We gotta find the kind of love old hearts are built upon


OUTRO: G  D  A7   G  D  A7 

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