Artist: Diamond Rio | Song: It's All In Your Head

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Diamond Rio, It's All In Your Head Tabs

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Artist/Band: Diamond Rio Tabs
Song: It's All In Your Head Tab

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It's All in Your Head

Diamond Rio (Diamond Rio IV)

By Tony Martin, Van Stephenson, Reese Wilson          Transcribed by Paul 

Key of A

Intro  Ano3

Verse 1
Mama died young giving birth to a son in a home for wayward girls

Papa was a sidewalk, soapbox preacher looking forward to the end of the 
Every friday night he'd pick Jesus a fight down at the local pool hall
Racking up souls, condemning all those caught behind the eightball
He said "I preach the light, the light shows the way, don't ever trust what 
the government say
         Ano3                (mute)
we never walked on the moon, Elvis ain't dead, you ain't goin' crazy, it's 
all in your head"

Verse 2
Lucy was a messed up, dressed up waitress with a slightly tarnished heart of 

She wasn't half bad for a new step mama, as far as step mama's go
Daddy knew she was the one as he baked in the sun in a parking lot preaching 
the truth

Up shot her hand and she cried, oh man "I feel it, yes, I feel it, I do"
It's been revealed to me down deep in my soul there were two shooters on the 
grassy knoll
         Ano3                (mute)
We never walked on the moon, Elvis ain't dead, you ain't goin' crazy, it's 
all in your head

Let us sing...

D                A
It's all interpretation
    G                        D               A
to find the truth you gotta read between the lines
      D                A   D
Work out your own salvation
      A              G
that narrow path is hard to define
          D                                    A C D A (after 1st Chorus)
Heaven's more than a place it's a state of mind

Verse 3
In his quest for truth, Daddy was moved by the spirit to take up a snake

In a moment of doubt the venom turned out stronger than Daddy's faith
I'll never forget in his dying breath the last words that he said
          Ano3                (mute)
"We never walked on the moon, Elvis ain't dead, you ain't goin' crazy, it's 
all in your head"

Let me tell ya...


             A C D A (Repeat & Fade)
State of Mind

          Chord Chart

          E A D G B e
    Ano3  x 0 2 2 0 x
    Dno3  x x 0 2 3 x
    E     0 2 2 1 0 0
    D     x x 0 2 3 2
    A     x 0 2 2 2 0
    G     3 2 0 0 0 3
    C     3 3 2 0 1 0

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Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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