Artist: Diamond Rio | Song: I'm Trying

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Diamond Rio, I'm Trying Tabs

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Country Tabs > Diamond Rio Tabs > I'm Trying

Artist/Band: Diamond Rio Tabs
Song: I'm Trying Tab

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Intro: C  D (x2)

Verse 1:
She said I'm not pointing fingers
He said yes you are
           Em               D          C
Cause you wouldn't bring it up if you weren't
If I told you I'd been walking
Out in the dark night thinking
           Em                 D           C
Would you take as truth this alcoholic's word
I can't change what's done is done
But I can tell you this

Chorus 1:
      Em               D
Not a day goes by that I
Don't curse myself and all my sins
And I need you to hold on to
While this part of me is dying
              Em                 D
And though I haven't kicked the demons
      C             Bm C  G  D
That haunt me, I'm trying
     C     G
I'm trying

Verse 2:
She sat down on the floor
And said I wish I was stronger
Right now I feel fragile as glass
I want to believe you
Believe what's held you has freed you
And I hate these doubts that keep on coming back
My parent's think I'm crazy
For staying here this long

Chorus 2:
But there's nothing more I want for us
Than to prove to them they're wrong
I don't want to be afraid
I don't want to think you're lying
And though I haven't found the faith
That I need, I'm trying
I'm trying

    C       D    C   C  D   Em  
He asked do you want me to leave
             C        D
Cause if you do you know I will
         C        D   C   C  D Em  
But she said much to his disbelief
C    D
Nooo I love you still
C G/B    C
Ooooh I love you still

He said I don't know why I've been the fool
But I can tell you this

Chorus 3:
Not a day goes by that I
Don't curse myself and all my sins
Then he dropped down to his knees
By now they both were crying
He said I haven't been the man 
I want to be, but I'm trying
I'm trying

Bm C       G  D
 I'm trying 
        C     G
Oh I'm trying 

Bm  =   x24432(bar chord) or xx4432
C   =   x32010
D   =   xx0232
D/F#=   200232 (hold bottom string with thumb)
Em  =   022000
G   =   320003 

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Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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