Artist: Diamond Rio | Song: How Your Love Makes Me Feel

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Diamond Rio, How Your Love Makes Me Feel Tabs

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Country Tabs > Diamond Rio Tabs > How Your Love Makes Me Feel

Artist/Band: Diamond Rio Tabs
Song: How Your Love Makes Me Feel Tab

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Album: Greatest Hits 
Written by: Max T. Barnes & Trey Bruce
Note:  Thanks to Teoti Pullie who has been able to figure out what the first
line was in this song and also what was in the road.  He was clever enough
to lip read the Diamond Rio's music video.  Thanks to Lluis Sala for the
album and the writers information.



How Your Love Makes Me Feel   Diamond Rio

1.)I'm no poet and I know it.
I don't use five dollar words
This might not sound like much  compared
to all the pretty things you've heard
But here is how I'd explain it
D                    Am
Since you brought it up
          F            Am            G
It won't sound like no-body else's version of love

           C                Am+f#
It's like just before dark, jump in the car,
        F             G
Buy an ice cream and see how far
         C              Am
We can drive before it melts
Kind of feeling                G
        (That's how your love makes me feel)
C                         Am+f#
A cow in the road and you swerve to the left
F                       G
Fate skips a beat and scares you to death
          C              D
And you laugh until you cry
       F                    G              C   1.)Am+f#  F  G  2.)Am+f#
1.2.)That's how your love makes me feel inside
     F                   C             Am+f# F C
2.)That's how your love makes me feel
          Am                           G
2.) I've always heard  You can't put love into words     go to chorus 2

    C                                               F
2.)It might not be suitable for greeting cards and such
        Am                                 G
It's a true and honest feeling and if you feel it half as much
         C                                   D         Am
We could go through life together without a worry or a care
               F          Am                     G
Knowing deep down in our hearts that we've got something special here

go to chorus 1, 

CHORUS 2:  Key change.
           D                Bm+g#
It's like just before dark, jump in the car,
        G             A
Buy an ice cream and see how far
         D              Bm
We can drive before it melts
Kind of feeling                 A 
        (That's how your love makes me feel)
   D                       Bm+g#
A dog in the road and you swerve to the left
G                       A        
Fate skips a beat and scares you to death
          D              E
And you laugh until you cry
G                      A              D   Bm+g# G  A  D
That's how your love makes me feel inside

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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