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, You're The Reason God Made Oklahoma Tabs

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Artist/Band: David Frizzell & Shelly West Tabs
Song: You're The Reason God Made Oklahoma Tab

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You’re The Reason God Made Oklahoma 


INTRO:   ( D - D - G - G )   (D - D - G - G )

(Man sings)
D                    G        D         
There's a full moon o-ver Tul-sa 
                      A         D
and I hope that it's shining on you
                              G          D
Nights are gettin' colder in Cher-o-kee Coun-ty 
                          A       D
there's a blue norther.. passin' through

D                            G          D       
I remember green eyes and a rancher's daughter 
                A          D
but remember is all that I do
                   G           D
Losin' you left a pretty good cowboy,
                A       D
with nothin' to hold on to
Sundown came and I drove to town 

to drink a drink or two-ou-ou


D                       G            D                
You're the reason  God made Oklahoma,...
                       G       D
you're the reason God made Oklahoma
             A       D
And I'm sure missin' you.
             A       D     E   (KEY CHANGE)
And I'm sure missin' you.

SOLO:  (A - A- D - D)   (2X)

(Woman sings)
A                       D         A
Here the city lights outshine the moon
                E          A
I was just now thinkin' of you
                                      D        A   
Sometimes when the wind blows you can see the mountains
                   E     A
and all the way to Ma-li-bu

A                         D      A
Everyone's a star here in L.A. county 
                      E               A
you ought to see the things that they do
                             D      A
All the cowboys down on the Sunset Strip,
                     E       A
wish that they could be like you.
Santa Monica Freeway... sometimes makes a country girl blue-ou-ou

 A                     D           A  
You're the reason God made Oklahoma,...  
                      D        A
You're the reason God made Oklahoma
             E       A     B  (KEY CHANGE)
And I'm sure missin' you  
(Man sings)
  E                      A          E                        B       E
I worked ten hours on a John Deere tractor, just thinkin' of you all day

(Woman sings)
 E                           A       E                   B    E
I’ve Got a calico cat and a two-room flat on a street in West L.A
(Duet,man sings lead)
E                      A       E                            A       E
You're the reason God made Oklahoma, you're the reason God made Oklahoma
              B      E                B       E   
And I'm sure missin' you....I'm sure missin' you.


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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.