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Artist/Band: Daniel Lanois Tabs
Song: Jolie Louise Tab

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Jolie Louise (Capo 3)
Daniel Lanois

(C)Ma jolie, how do you do?
Mon nom (G)est Jean-Guy Thibault-Le(C)roux
I come from east of Gati(C)neau
My name is (G)Jean-Guy, ma jo(C)lie
J'ai une mai(G7)son à La Fontaine
Where we will (C)live if you marry me
Une belle mai(G7)son à La Fontaine
Where we will (Am)live, you and (F)me
Ohoh Lou(C)ise, ma jolie Lou(G)ise, ma jolie Lou(C)ise.

Tous les matins au so(C)leil
I did (G)work 'til work is done (C)
Tous les matins au so(C)leil
I did (G)work 'til work is done (C)
And one (G7)day the foreman
Said "Jean-(C)Guy, we must let you go"
Et puis mon (G7)nom, y'est pas bon
At the (Am)mill any(F)more
Oh Lou(C)ise, I'm losing my (G)head, I'm losing my (G)head

My kids are small, four and (C)three
Et la bou(G)teille, she's mon a(C)mi
I drink the rhum 'til I can't (C)see
It hides the (G)shame Louise does not (C)see
A carou(G7)ssel turns in my head
And I can't (C)hide, no no no no,
And the (G7)rage turned in my head
And Lou(Am)ise, I struck her (F)down
Down on the (C)ground, I'm losing my (G)mind, I'm losing my (C)mind

En septembre '6(C)3
The kids are (G)gone and so is Lou(C)ise.
Ontario they did (C)go
Near la (G)ville de Toron(C)to
Now my (G7)tears they roll down
Tous les (C)jours, oh oh oh oh,
And I re(G7)member the days
And the (Am)promises that we (F)made
Oh Lou(C)ise, ma jolie Lou(G)ise, ma jolie Lou(C)ise 

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Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
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