Artist: Bruce Cockburn | Song: Someone I Used To Love

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Bruce Cockburn, Someone I Used To Love Tabs

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Country Tabs > Cockburn Bruce Tabs > Someone I Used To Love

Artist/Band: Cockburn Bruce Tabs
Song: Someone I Used To Love Tab

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               G              C/G      G                                   C/G     G
All the days we?ve been together, all the days we?ve been apart
             Am                  C                   G         C/G        G
Add up to a bunch of nothing, if I?m not still in your heart.
      D                       C            D                 C          D       C
I never want you to be just a page in my history
         D                    G
Someone I used to love.

Your voice breathed in my ear, or on the telephone
All the tender things we?ve whispered to keep from feeling alone
May they never come to be just cold gems set in memory
of someone I used to love.

This current flows between us that cannot be denied
You draw me in towards you like the moon pulls in the tide
May no shadow ever fall that would make me have to call
you someone I used to love.

C/G =  302013

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2005 - 2012
Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
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