Artist: Suzy Bogguss | Song: Just Like The Weather

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Suzy Bogguss, Just Like The Weather Tabs

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Country Tabs > Bogguss Suzy Tabs > Just Like The Weather

Artist/Band: Bogguss Suzy Tabs
Song: Just Like The Weather Tab

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Subject: CRD/TAB: "Just Like the Weather" (Suzy Bogguss)
Date: 23 Jan 1994 22:19:56 GMT
Organization: University of California, Santa Cruz
Lines: 96
Message-ID: <2hut6c$r91@darkstar.UCSC.EDU>
X-Newsreader: NN version 6.5.0 #3 (NOV)

As always, corrections are welcome...

JUST LIKE THE WEATHER (Suzy Bogguss, Doug Crider)
[Actually in Bb or B; capo 3 or 4.]

G   G   Em   Em   G   G   Em   Em

G             C             Em      D
  The wind is blowing from a new direction
G                       C           D   D
  You're thinking 'bout going, I know
G                  C           Em             D
  It's been a long season, and hard on our affections
C                 C            D   D
  But that's no reason to let go

    G   C/G              G       G - G/F#
You change just like the weather
        Em          Em                  D   D
But the weather you know will always change
       G  G7/F        C      C
If you stay it'll get better
    G         D                G    G   Em   Em   G   G   Em   Em
Wherever you go, it's bound to rain

G                 C    Em                D
  So put on your jacket and stand your ground
G               C                  D   D
  Love's gonna have its highs and lows
G                 C           Em               D
  If we turn and face it, the wind will come around
C                     C                D   D
  You don't have to chase it when it blows

    G   C/G              G       G - G/F#
You change just like the weather
        Em          Em                  D   D
But the weather you know will always change
       G  G7/F        C      C
If you stay it'll get better
    G         D                 G   C   Em   D   C   C   D   D
Wherever you go, it's bound to rain [guitar solo]

    G   C/G              G       G - G/F#
You change just like the weather
        Em          Em                  D   D
But the weather you know will always change
       G  G7/F        C      C
If you stay it'll get better
    G         D                G    G   Em   Em
Wherever you go, it's bound to rain
      G   G              Em      Em   G.
You change just like the weather


I'm going to transcribe the guitar solo as if the lead guitar had a capo on
the fourth fret, like the rhythm guitar.  But it doesn't; the lead guitar has
either no capo or a capo at the 2nd fret.  Unfortunately, capoing at the 4th
fret leaves you unable to play one of the notes, so I just raised that note
up an octave.  (I marked it with asterisks.)

  G                C                Em               D
E ----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
B ----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
G ----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
D ----------------|----------------|----------------|-----------*0*--|
A ----2---0-2---3-|----2---0-------|----2---0-2---0-|----------------|
E ------3---------|------------3---|------3---------|----3---2-0-----|
  ^ . ^ . ^ . ^ .  ^ . ^ . ^ . ^ .  ^ . ^ . ^ . ^ .  ^ . ^ . ^ . ^ .  

  C                C                D                D
E ----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
B ----------------|----------------|----------------|----------------|
G --------------0-|--------------0-|----------------|----------------|
D ----2---0-2-----|--2---0---2-----|--4-2-0---------|---------(0-2)--|
A 3-----3---------|----------------|--------3-2-0---|----0-2-3-------|
E ----------------|----------------|--------------3-|2-3-------------|
  ^ . ^ . ^ . ^ .  ^ . ^ . ^ . ^ .  ^ . ^ . ^ . ^ .  ^ . ^ . ^ . ^ .  

Adam Schneider                   U.C. Santa Cruz
              Mail me if you want guitar chords for Indigo Girls,
                 Mary-Chapin Carpenter, Lucinda Williams, etc.

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  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.