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Alabama, Mountain Music Tabs

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Artist/Band: Alabama Tabs
Song: Mountain Music Tab

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Here's Alabama's "Mountain Music", by Randy Owen

again, if anyone has tab (esp. on the intro and solo parts) please email it 
to me, or post it!  

4/4 time

A   A   D/A   D/A   A   A   D/A      

Chorus 1: (a capella until you reach "to a Cajun.."

Oh, [A] play me some mountain [D] music
like [A] grandma and grandpa used to play [D]
Then I'll [A] float on down the riv-[D]er
to a Ca-[E]jun hidea-[A]way.

Verse 1:

[A] Drift away like Tom [D] Sawyer
Ride a raft[A] with ol' Huck [D] Finn
Take a nap[A] like Rip Van Winkle,
daze [G] dreamin' a-[E]gain.

Chorus 2--same chords as chorus one for the first 3 lines.  Then:

to a Ca-[Bm]jun hidea-[E]way.

(guitar solo)

Verse 2 (same chords as 1)

Swim across the river
Just to prove that I'm a man
Spend the day bein' lazy
Just bein' nature's friend


Climb a long tall hick'ry
Bend it over, skinnin' cats
Playin' baseball with chert rocks
Usin' sawmill slabs for bats


(also a capella, like first chorus, until you reach "'cause that's where..")

Play some [A] back-home come-on [D] music
that [A] comes from the heart [D]
Play [A] something with lots of feel-[D]in'
'cause that's where [Bm] music has to [E] start.

(chorus 2)
on last line "...a cajun hideaway aay-aay-aaaiiiaay" - then a drum solo 
ensues and the tempo increases--go back to the first chorus for the ending, 
but play all of the chords.


Bishop of Nod

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Guitar Tab, Guitar Tabs
  All tabs are the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the song, tablature for bass,
or lead guitar. You may only use this tab or chord file for private study, scholarship or research.